Sunday, December 2, 2007

Happy 9!

hey little buddy - happy 9 months old! it's been quite a busy month for you. we celebrated your first thanksgiving at the chaneski's house (aunt lee-ann, uncle steve, laura and scott). you had a great time and enjoyed all of the food there was to eat.

happy thanksgiving!

happy thanksgiving!

daddy and i continue to be amazed at how quickly your world moves. from your early crawling at the beginning of the month to now you are nearly cruising on the furniture. you pull yourself up with relative ease - a good and a bad thing - as you'll pull yourself up in your crib and haven't quite figured out how to get yourself back down yet! you also manage to get yourself stuck in a few sticky spots.

some of your favorite toys this month are your leap frog musical table, your walker with the plastic envelopes, your train and of course your wooden blocks are still a hit! you also love to read books with flaps for you to lift and explore - the "peekaboo" series being your favorite. here's some video of you doing one of mommy's favorite moves (all we need is the stayin' alive soundtrack!).

you and daddy love to spend time playing guitar and you even sing with him sometimes. one of your new favorite games (not ours) is to spit while you eat, spit while you play. daddy decided it would be fun to have a spitting contest with you over this past weekend...

on the not-so-good front is your inability to nap at daycare, you just love being awake and playing with your friends so much that you just refuse to nap! it's frustrating for me and daddy because then you are very tired at night when we get home. hopefully you'll get it figured out soon and starting taking better naps.

only 3 more months until you turn one-year old! i can hardly believe it, daddy and i were looking at video of little tiny baby jack this week and can't believe how big you've gotten.

happy birthday little chief.


Thursday, November 8, 2007

We have a tooth!

well, as luck would have it (we are murphy's i shouldn't be surprised) you started teething like crazy this past sunday, which coincided with changing the clocks back. all week you've been waking up around 5A and i thought it was just due to the time change. in fact, we let you cry for an hour on wednesday morning hoping you would go back to sleep! bad mommy, your gums hurt! you popped a tooth this morning and daycare called to tell me about it. i tried to get a picture, but no luck - so we'll just publish this post as is! yeah for teeth!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

8 months old!

happy 8 month birthday little buddy! another month has flown by i can't believe you'll be one year old in only 4 months. we had a very busy, but fun month, highlights include: attending the first phillies playoff game since 1993 (they lost - but we had fun!); spending the weekend with nana - your first overnight away from mommy and daddy, you two had fun though, taking long walks and you even talked her into buying you lots of new toys and new clothes; your first halloween - you made a very adorable yoda...

visits with grandma and grandpa and aunt kris and uncle mike; and your latest "trick" - crawling - yes, you mastered the fine art of movement - look out world. in just two days you went from tentative, tippy crawls, to pretty smooth (and faster) crawling. time to start baby-proofing.

on the illness front - you spent most of the month on antibiotics to try and clear up your ear infections once and for all and it seems to have worked! at your doctor's appointment at the end of october your ears were all clear - hooray! daddy and i weren't too excited about the possibility of ear tubes for you at such a young age.

mealtime is one of your favorites, you're well into stage 2 pureed foods now and have started trying table food, you've had carrots, cheese, turkey and your favorite - french fries! (you went out to dinner with me and daddy and had your first french fry and loved it) - here's video of you and daddy having mealtime fun.

you're still my little cuddle bug at nighttime - though lately it's as though i'm putting you through chinese water torture just to get you in your pajamas- what's up with that?! but my favorite time of day is still just after you finished your bedtime bottle and cuddle in for sleep. speaking of sleep, keep up the good work - 12-13 hours straight every night! daddy and i thank you.

the coming months are only going to be filled with more wonderful new things to learn and explore - we're ready - bring it on!

lots of love to you little boy and happy 8 month birthday.


Tuesday, October 9, 2007

7 months and growing fast

hey there little man - happy belated 7 month birthday! each month seems to go by faster and faster, before we know it you'll be one year old. during the past month you have mastered the fine art of sitting up - started doing it early in September but we still had to keep some pillows nearby, now we can just sit you down anywhere and you rarely topple over.

happy 7 month birthday!

You've also started to practice crawling by getting up on all fours and rocking. Unfortunately, most of your practice takes place when you are supposed to be sleeping...speaking of sleeping, you are the best nighttime sleeper (knock on wood). You go to bed at 6:45 and rarely do we hear from you until 7A the next morning - keep it up, mommy and daddy love getting the extra ZZZZZZZs. And when you do wake up you are all smiles and giggles - it's great!

here's some daytime crawling didn't get very far, but decent effort. (blogger's note - i apologize for the length of this video, haven't edited it down yet)

Over the past month you've become quite a babbling baby - one of your favorites is "dadadadada..." we now need to work on "mamamamama..." Uncle Josh, Aunt Maureen and Stanley came to visit you in September and we spent time with the Murphy's at Donna's engagement party and Megan's birthday party.

hello Stanley

Our new favorite activity is to stop off at daddy's office on the way home at night. You get so excited and start laughing and smiling when we get there. I know it makes his day (and mine too to see you so happy). You're mastering the fine are of finger foods, picking up your cheerios and puffs with ease, but don't really like to eat them yet as once they get in your mouth you usually spit them out. You are a cookie monster though! Even putting the cookie on your head, silly boy.

cookie monster!

and i know i've said it before, but your laugh is totally infectious, just check out this video to see what i mean...

I can't believe it's been more than half a year since you were born - sometimes it feels like only yesterday that you were the tiny little 7 lb 10 oz peanut we brought home all snuggly and wearing hats in the house (it was cold!) - then i look at how big your getting, your awesome personality, the time we spend "talking" and realize just how long it's been and how fast the time has gone. fortunately for me, though they are fewer and farther between, some nights after your bedtime bottle you still like to cuddle into my shoulder and fall asleep. we always spend a little extra time rocking on those very special nights.

so tiny...2 days old

soooo big! - 7 months old

happy 7 month birthday little boy.


Monday, September 24, 2007

sleeping baby...

so we go out, buy you a nice big crib, plenty of room to spread out and you choose to scooch all the way to one end to sleep - silly baby.

and lately we've had to wake you up in the morning to start your day - no complaints on our end though! keep up the good sleeping.

good morning!


Saturday, September 22, 2007

back to school (again)

hey little man - well, you have fully recovered from your ear infection and are just as happy as can be and really fun to be around - we love it when you get a good squealing laugh going. you mostly can sit-up by yourself and we started eating yogurt this week, which you love! you also started a new school this past week and so far it's been great - your teachers are very nice and caring and you're always happy when i pick you up (you were rarely happy at your old school) and it's been wonderful having you in the car with us on the way to work. sometimes after school we stop at daddy's office to say hi, which i know makes his day. here's some pictures of your past week, first day of school, a visit to franklin square and a swing ride and watching mommy and daddy's football game.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

thank you!

thank you so much for the beautiful birthday flowers little buddy! they are sitting on my desk where i can look at them all day long. you get an A for effort and a D for execution (they were delivered yesterday, when daddy forgot i was home playing with you!), but i got them in water first thing this morning and they look great.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

happy 1/2 birthday

i am officially dubbing august 2007 and the start of september "immunity building month" - my poor little buddy, you have come down with cold after ear infection after cold and now the stomach flu - all in the past month or so. i have been told that you are just building up your immunities and come kindergarten you'll be as healthy as can be, but it's still hard to see you so sick. - UPDATE - when i started this post you were still quite sick, but in the past few days have really started to turn a corner, eating much better and are back to your usual happy self - the picture below was taken on September 11, just two days before you were not eating and had us all quite worried that you were getting dehydrated. what a difference just a few days can make!

on to better thoughts though! august was another month of milestones, you figured out how to roll both from front to back and back to front - you have not figured out (or choose not to) use rolling as a mode of transportation yet - which is fine with me! daddy and i haven't quite baby-proofed (ok, we haven't done anything at all) the house yet, so your lack of mobility is just fine (for now).

you also now do all of your sleeping in your crib, both day and night and when you aren't sick are a great through the night sleeper, you go to bed by 7:30 and wake up sometime around 6, sometimes you'll wake up at 5 and have a bite to eat and then go back to sleep until around 7, we actually like these nights better!

aunt maureen and uncle josh's wedding was also in august, you looked quite handsome in your yellow suit and were a trooper coming down for pictures. again, you are a wonderful car traveler, sleeping most of the trip and just enjoying hanging out in your carseat when awake - makes visiting nana and pop-pop a lot easier!

you and daddy like to play the drums together (your drum being a bowl and wooden spoon - hey whatever works!) and you started eating in your highchair this past month. you are growing up very fast - on the verge of sitting unsupported - you'll sit for a short period of time but then fling yourself backwards or tip to the side, so we always have pillows or blankets nearby! before we know it you'll be crawling all over - then watch out!

you also find that rosie is quite funny when she's all wound up and barking (who knew?!) the following video shows just how funny you think she is.

for your half birthday daddy and i both want you to feel better soon, the next 6 months are going to be an exciting time for you full of learning new skills, your first holidays and so much more and we both just want you to be healthy and happy and enjoy every minute of it.


Wednesday, August 29, 2007

More coming...stay tuned

I've heard cries for updates...check back Monday for a long post, in the meantime, enjoy some recent photos...

look mommy, a leaf!

jeesh, enough already....

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

Friday, August 3, 2007

Happy 5 month birthday!

ok, already a day late...sorry bud. has it already been another month?! i can't believe how fast you are growing, pretty soon you'll be crawling and then the real fun begins (i.e. chasing you around the house!). and now, for the recap - you started school (aka daycare) this month, and have learned to nap in the crib - hooray! we are currently looking for a new school for you so that you can be closer to mommy and daddy during the day, we found one we love, so hopefully there will be a spot open for you soon.

and now a list of your many firsts for the month of july! you went to your first phillies game on july 13 and had a wonderful time. nana and pop-pop were there too - you liked looking at all of the bright lights and didn't fuss at all. you really got into solid food this month, you now eat breakfast, lunch and dinner, so far you really like everything (you've had bananas, oatmeal, sweet potatoes and applesauce). you were baptized on july 22nd, you didn't particularly care for being in church and cried the whole time we were there, but did have fun later in grandma and grandpa's pool. another first this month was your first time spending the day at work with mommy, you weren't feeling well enough to go to daycare, so you came to work, smiled at all the pretty Alta ladies and then took a nap in the server room (lots of white noise!). you are sleeping through the night, though you do like to start your day on the early side (by 6A), we had to let you cry yourself back to sleep for a few nights for you to learn, but now you are great, you go to bed around 7-730P and wake up around 6A all smiles, sometimes i bring you into the bed with mommy and daddy for some cuddles, which we all love. you've also "discovered" rosie this month and are totally fascinated by her, she likes to lick your face, which you think is funny (mommy and daddy don't think so though and have to scold her), and you love just watching her every move - so much so, we have to put her outside when it's time for you to eat because you get so distracted!

hard at work

i'm constantly amazed at how one day you will be content to just sit in your bumbo chair and the next day be trying to climb out of it - you are so smart and inquisitive, i'm actually a little frightened that daddy and i won't be able to keep up with you! so, happy 5-month birthday little buddy, the wonderful journey continues - just don't grow up too fast. one of my favorite times of day with you is bedtime when you cuddle in for a snuggle after your bottle, i cherish it every night.


Tuesday, July 17, 2007

First day of school

Getting ready to go to school

Yes, I know it's the middle of the summer, but today was your first day of school (aka daycare). Mommy was a total basket-case last night getting you ready, but actually did ok today while you were at school (I didn't call once to check on you - no news is good news!) and when I got to school to pick you up you were all smiles and laughing, enjoying a book Miss Pat was reading to you. You had a great first day, looking around at all of your new baby friends and even took two naps! (granted they totaled less than two hours - but it's a start). I am so proud of you and know you are going to love going to "school."

p.s. thank you for the beautiful flowers...they made my day!

Come on mom...let's go!

end of a long, but fun day

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Let's hit the road Jack...

July 8, 2007

what a great little traveler you are (knock on wood) -- you and i drove solo to connecticut this past weekend for aunt maureen's bridal shower. you slept 75% of the way there and 75% of the way back and probably only fussed for a total of 5 minutes, keeping yourself entertained by looking in your mirror and taking your paci out and putting it back and and out...keep it up little boy, we've got many more miles ahead...

Monday, July 2, 2007

Jack Attack...take one...

A self-proclaimed horrible journal keeper, I figured might as well give the online world of blogging a try and see if we make out any better. To that end, a recap of the past four months (has it already been four months!).

Thursday, March 1, 2007 - feeling especially large and pondering how late you would arrive, mommy settled in to watch a few episodes of the Wire on DVD (courtesy of
aunt maureen) -- not appropriate for babies to watch, but a very well-written drama exploring the underworld of the Baltimore drug-world -- I digress -- after 6 episodes, you decided this would be the day that you started your journey to the outside (very punctual - as your due date was March 2nd) and around 3:45 in the afternoon started making your decision to enter this world known. 19 hours and about 20 minutes later, we got to 9 cm without an epidural (CRAZY MOMMY!), 1 cm with an epidural -- you, little boy made your grand entrance at 10:04 am on Friday, March 2, 2007 - right on time. And now a much briefer recap of the past 4 months.

March 2, 2007

March 2007
One week after you were born, mommy was back in the hospital with multiple infections (kidney, uterin, bladder)...not a good start to our life together. You were a trooper though, settling in with nana and daddy for a few days while mommy got better. And a funny thing happened while at the hospital, we discovered your love of the vacuum as a soothing sound, after spending a long day at the hospital you were upset (rightfully so) and wanting to go home, daddy was helping me get setting in my hospital room, you were crying and then the cleaning lady started vacuuming -- you were quiet, she stopped vacuuming to come see you, you started crying - quick - "TURN ON THE VACUUM!" we then strategically placed vacuums and dust busters throughout the house to calm you in your most upset moments and now, you are lulled to sleep with the sound of the vacuum playing on your CD player - whatever works, right? During those first few weeks I made the first of many "first time mommy mistakes"(hereafter known as FTMM)...waking the sleeping baby to eat. They tell you in the hospital, don't let the baby go more than four hours without eating, wake him up...well, I think you gladly would have gone longer had I not frantically watched the clock in the wee hours of the night and woken you up to eat - dumb mommy. Month one was relatively uneventful, punctuated by visits from lots of friends and family, lots of sleeping on your part and not so much on mommy's part! We capped off your first month of life by attending a housewarming party for Chris Schmalz -- and with it the first sign of the nap "trouble" to come -- you just did not want to close your eyes, instead preferring to stay awake and join the party -- more on naps to come.

April 2, 2007
April 2007
Eat, sleep, poop...repeat...much of the same and during this time another big FTMM -- naps -- one thing they do not tell the mommies and daddies in the hospital (that they should) is that not all babies just ma
gically close their eyes when they are tired and go to sleep -- no, instead some babies (yours truly) have to learn to take naps...well, mommy just assumed you wanted to be awake -- not true -- the result was that at the end of month two we had one OVERTIRED and cranky baby on our hands, time for some new nap more than two hours awake and then down for a nap. Speaking of naps, some would consider it a FTMM others just say "go with it" - for better or worse little boy, you are a motion junkie -- moving (swing, car, stroller) = nap, not moving = awake cranky baby - has made for some interesting naps (more to come in month four on that)...definitely a nap theme developing in this post. Other highlights from month two - smiles, you started handing them out during month two and haven't stopped since - and what a great little smile it is - i love it and enjoy every minute, knowing that you won't always smile for mommy. During month two you were also diagnosed with acid reflux, we put you on some baby got you through until you felt better (around 13 weeks) -- on to month three...

May 2, 2007
May 2007
Definitely our most difficult month together so far - but what doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!
There were lots of tears on both our ends this month as you stopped napping, choosing to only close your eyes for 30 minute stretches (even in your swing), developed what we think was a lactose problem as you screamed as though all of the devils in hell were stabbing you with hot pokers pretty much all day -- however we then switched you to a soy formula and you stopped screaming. Not all difficult times though- you started "talking", you slept through the night (once), "sitting up" with the help of mommy or daddy is a favorite pastime, went to your first softball game, watched baseball with daddy on TV and settled into a nice bedtime routine. June was great, so rather than dwell on the turbulent month of May, let's move ahead to better times.

June 2, 2007
June 2007
My favorite month with you so far...after deciding to spend one more month at home with you before going back to work, we had a great time throughout the month of June - your smile and laughter are infectious, definitely mommy's little boy, you greet each morning full of smiles and laugher ("GOOD
MORNING MOMMY!!!!) and by 8:00 pm are ready for bed. This month was full of took your first road trip up to Connecticut to visit Nana and Pop-Pop - and you did great, dozing most of the way (you also caught your first cold while up there, but didn't get too out of sorts), first time in a pool, you also attended your first wedding (of many more to come) and you were a perfect gentleman, first trip into the city - other than to go to mommy's work and most importantly (according to some) made your first trip to happy hour. Your motion habits continue, with Nana and Pop-Pop literally swinging your hammock for an hour and a half at Aunt Kris' wedding to keep you asleep -- we figure you'll grow out of this eventually, until then, swing away little man, swing away. You are also destined to be a traveler -- we traveled out of town twice in June and both times you slept through the night - then once back home it was back to your normal up once during the night sleeping had your first cereal eating adventure, with 90% of it ending up on your face and 10% in your mouth. And on June 25th, mommy headed back to work and you and aunt maureen passed the time playing together, practicing rolling, having tummy time, taking long walks and even some longs naps.

July 2, 2007

And now, at four months old you continue to delight and amaze me every day, last night you spent 20 minutes blowing raspberries at daddy, aunt maureen and I, followed immediately by vomiting all over yourself, then laughed...happy four month birthday little boy.
