Monday, September 29, 2008

rain, rain, go away

so the recent string of rainy weather has left us stuck inside for much of the day. the grass likes the rain, little boys not so much - but we found ways to keep ourselves entertained while the rain poured down.

enjoying a little afternoon apple snack

stacking legos...


and still higher!

putting blocks on our heads is fun too! (ignore the pink diaper)...

i got mine balanced

oh mommy, you have a block on your head too!

Friday, September 26, 2008

when choices backfire

so, we've been working on giving jack some choices lately, what to wear, what to eat and for the most part he does well and picks appropriate or healthy options. well, sometimes choices backfire as evidenced by the outfit he wore to school yesterday. notice the socks and tevas...time to put them away i think so they no longer become an option!

Monday, September 22, 2008

welcome new blog readers

well, i finally opened jack's blog up to more family and friends as i'd been a slacker in sending out photos. i'll do my best to keep it updated semi-regularly, though you'll be on your own to check for updates from now on, no more email notifications.
enjoy, leave comments, we love reading them!

-the murphs

Sunday, September 21, 2008

fun with aunt kristi and uncle vince

as kev and i headed north for donna and rob's wedding, kristi and vince came to visit to hang out with jack (and crazy rosie). they had a great time and i'm not sure who tired out first, jack or kristi and vince. here's a preview of what i imagine much of the weekend was like - lots of running around and laughing.

Friday, September 19, 2008

jack's modeling debut (sorta)

jack was asked to model for an ad campaign my firm is producing for one of our clients. he was one of three children in the shoot (the youngest by far too - the others were 3 and 5), and may or may not get picked for the final ad, but had fun "modeling" nonetheless!

here's one of the photos from the shoot - it's for an awareness and advocacy campaign about nonprofits and generosity. this shot in particular is for a message about hunger awareness.

jack the "hungry" child

photographed by Ryan Donnell

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

where does the time go

yikes, one month to the day since my last post...not a good track record. the past month has been a busy one, with weddings, work, and just enjoying life. jack continues to do well at his new daycare, he's really taken to his teachers and though he still gets a little upset when we drop him off is all smiles when i pick him up in the afternoon.

jack and daddy had their first long weekend together over labor day when i traveled to colorado for susan and dave's wedding (tales of which are best left off the blog! wu-wu!) the boys had a great time, they visited kristi and vince one day, went swimming at grandma and grandpas and clearly spent some time shirtless and learning to play the drums, yikes!

jack's streak as the giants' lucky charm continued with an opening day and week 2 win - and we were even bold enough to send him to daycare wearing his eli manning jersey! we've been spending time in between weddings relaxing at home, eating popsicles and just enjoying the last few days of summer (c'mon fall weather!).
mmmm popsicles....
catching up on my reading
here you go teddy, have some pineapple
multi-tasking, pizza eating and helping make the salad