Monday, September 24, 2007

sleeping baby...

so we go out, buy you a nice big crib, plenty of room to spread out and you choose to scooch all the way to one end to sleep - silly baby.

and lately we've had to wake you up in the morning to start your day - no complaints on our end though! keep up the good sleeping.

good morning!


Saturday, September 22, 2007

back to school (again)

hey little man - well, you have fully recovered from your ear infection and are just as happy as can be and really fun to be around - we love it when you get a good squealing laugh going. you mostly can sit-up by yourself and we started eating yogurt this week, which you love! you also started a new school this past week and so far it's been great - your teachers are very nice and caring and you're always happy when i pick you up (you were rarely happy at your old school) and it's been wonderful having you in the car with us on the way to work. sometimes after school we stop at daddy's office to say hi, which i know makes his day. here's some pictures of your past week, first day of school, a visit to franklin square and a swing ride and watching mommy and daddy's football game.


Thursday, September 13, 2007

thank you!

thank you so much for the beautiful birthday flowers little buddy! they are sitting on my desk where i can look at them all day long. you get an A for effort and a D for execution (they were delivered yesterday, when daddy forgot i was home playing with you!), but i got them in water first thing this morning and they look great.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

happy 1/2 birthday

i am officially dubbing august 2007 and the start of september "immunity building month" - my poor little buddy, you have come down with cold after ear infection after cold and now the stomach flu - all in the past month or so. i have been told that you are just building up your immunities and come kindergarten you'll be as healthy as can be, but it's still hard to see you so sick. - UPDATE - when i started this post you were still quite sick, but in the past few days have really started to turn a corner, eating much better and are back to your usual happy self - the picture below was taken on September 11, just two days before you were not eating and had us all quite worried that you were getting dehydrated. what a difference just a few days can make!

on to better thoughts though! august was another month of milestones, you figured out how to roll both from front to back and back to front - you have not figured out (or choose not to) use rolling as a mode of transportation yet - which is fine with me! daddy and i haven't quite baby-proofed (ok, we haven't done anything at all) the house yet, so your lack of mobility is just fine (for now).

you also now do all of your sleeping in your crib, both day and night and when you aren't sick are a great through the night sleeper, you go to bed by 7:30 and wake up sometime around 6, sometimes you'll wake up at 5 and have a bite to eat and then go back to sleep until around 7, we actually like these nights better!

aunt maureen and uncle josh's wedding was also in august, you looked quite handsome in your yellow suit and were a trooper coming down for pictures. again, you are a wonderful car traveler, sleeping most of the trip and just enjoying hanging out in your carseat when awake - makes visiting nana and pop-pop a lot easier!

you and daddy like to play the drums together (your drum being a bowl and wooden spoon - hey whatever works!) and you started eating in your highchair this past month. you are growing up very fast - on the verge of sitting unsupported - you'll sit for a short period of time but then fling yourself backwards or tip to the side, so we always have pillows or blankets nearby! before we know it you'll be crawling all over - then watch out!

you also find that rosie is quite funny when she's all wound up and barking (who knew?!) the following video shows just how funny you think she is.

for your half birthday daddy and i both want you to feel better soon, the next 6 months are going to be an exciting time for you full of learning new skills, your first holidays and so much more and we both just want you to be healthy and happy and enjoy every minute of it.
