Friday, April 11, 2008

spring has sprung!

well, i made it one year with the monthly recap posts. from here on out i think we'll stick to milestones and random, without further ado...some random updates! and yes, i keep switching voice, sorry. jack has 4 whole teeth now (2 top, 2 bottom) and some more en route. if you look closely at the picture below you can see his top teeth (along with some boogies...ick).

here's some more pictures of playtime at our house - he loves, loves, loves his tent and we had some indoor water play a few weeks back. the past few days have been glorious, so we've been outside enjoying the weather.

inside water fun


yeah for my tent


helping with the diapers


and we're off

for more spring fun pictures, visit the "spring has sprung album" post. (guest password is jack3207)

spring has sprung album

Photobucket Album


Friday, April 4, 2008

pop, pop, pop

just some quick video of jack playing with his corn-popper and bouncy ball. we can't wait for spring to get here so we can get outside and play more!