Thursday, November 8, 2007

We have a tooth!

well, as luck would have it (we are murphy's i shouldn't be surprised) you started teething like crazy this past sunday, which coincided with changing the clocks back. all week you've been waking up around 5A and i thought it was just due to the time change. in fact, we let you cry for an hour on wednesday morning hoping you would go back to sleep! bad mommy, your gums hurt! you popped a tooth this morning and daycare called to tell me about it. i tried to get a picture, but no luck - so we'll just publish this post as is! yeah for teeth!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

8 months old!

happy 8 month birthday little buddy! another month has flown by i can't believe you'll be one year old in only 4 months. we had a very busy, but fun month, highlights include: attending the first phillies playoff game since 1993 (they lost - but we had fun!); spending the weekend with nana - your first overnight away from mommy and daddy, you two had fun though, taking long walks and you even talked her into buying you lots of new toys and new clothes; your first halloween - you made a very adorable yoda...

visits with grandma and grandpa and aunt kris and uncle mike; and your latest "trick" - crawling - yes, you mastered the fine art of movement - look out world. in just two days you went from tentative, tippy crawls, to pretty smooth (and faster) crawling. time to start baby-proofing.

on the illness front - you spent most of the month on antibiotics to try and clear up your ear infections once and for all and it seems to have worked! at your doctor's appointment at the end of october your ears were all clear - hooray! daddy and i weren't too excited about the possibility of ear tubes for you at such a young age.

mealtime is one of your favorites, you're well into stage 2 pureed foods now and have started trying table food, you've had carrots, cheese, turkey and your favorite - french fries! (you went out to dinner with me and daddy and had your first french fry and loved it) - here's video of you and daddy having mealtime fun.

you're still my little cuddle bug at nighttime - though lately it's as though i'm putting you through chinese water torture just to get you in your pajamas- what's up with that?! but my favorite time of day is still just after you finished your bedtime bottle and cuddle in for sleep. speaking of sleep, keep up the good work - 12-13 hours straight every night! daddy and i thank you.

the coming months are only going to be filled with more wonderful new things to learn and explore - we're ready - bring it on!

lots of love to you little boy and happy 8 month birthday.
