Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Happy 10!

The big 1-0! 10 months old, I can hardly believe it. Gone is the little cuddly baby and in his place is a rambunctious, happy, energetic almost toddler. Though you've had your fare share of ear infections this past month, the new year started off bright. To help with keeping you healthy, we've decided to take you out of daycare for the time being. Ms. Yvette was very sad to hear you are leaving, but daddy and I think it's the best thing for you in the end. You've got a great new babysitter, named Becca who comes to our house to watch you.

This month certainly has been a busy one! You say "mama", "dada" and lots of other "ba", "ga" and "ka" sounds. You're a pro crawler and as the video below shows, have started in on walking (with some help from your school bus). You're also really getting into table food, to the point where you tried to climb on top of your leapfrog table to get to the pretzel bowl!

We also celebrated your first Christmas - we had visits from everyone! Aunt maureen and uncle
Josh came to visit on their way to CT; grandma, grandpa, aunt kris and uncle mike came on the 23rd and nana and pop-pop were here at the end of the week. Below are some photos and video of you enjoying your first Christmas.

reading with aunt Kris and uncle Mike

Merry Christmas!

We also made a trip to Maryland for you to meet your great-grandma miesmer (also knowns as Gee-Gee). We had a fun visit - despite the fact that you REFUSED to take a nap.

playing organ with Gee-Gee

reading with nana

happy 10 you to, happy 10 to you, happy 10 dear jack-jack, happy 10 to you!
