Saturday, May 31, 2008

running man...

in addition to jack's promising career as a baseball player as shown earlier, perhaps he's got potential as a track star. ready, set, go!

or then again, maybe something in the cleaning services industry.

regardless of his choice of profession, we're all having a blast. jack loves to go swimming, both at grandma and grandpa murphy's and in his little pool. we're up to 5 1/2 teeth and more on the way. he's soaking up knowledge like a sponge these days, picking up on simple commands after only one time and is as active as every as evidenced by the 30 minutes he spent literally jumping around in his pool over the weekend.

with clothes...

with bathing suit on...

for comparisons, here's jack one year ago, at 3 months old:

and now, 15 months old:

Friday, May 16, 2008

noses and cereal

jack identifying his nose while enjoying some lucky charms (minus the marshmallows) up, eyes...stay tuned. :-)

p.s. please excuse the bed-head...crazy father, like son.

Monday, May 12, 2008

the elephant goes bralooo!

as part of a mother's day weekend extravaganza, jack and i went down to washington, d.c. to visit aunt maureen, uncle josh, and nana flew in for the visit. after arriving, we took a spin over to the national zoo (a smithsonian museum, the zoo is free - perfect for unpredictable toddlers!)

we saw a bunch of animals, jack's favorite being the baby hippopotamus, he did not want to leave! enjoy the zoo pictures.

c'mon nana, hurry up!

hello baby hippo

i like the zoo


Thursday, May 8, 2008

four tooth wonder

i sometimes think jack is the world's slowest teether. out of his 20 "baby" teeth, he has 4, yes, 4. i see a 5th about to break through, but for now just 4. two on the top, two on bottom. but apparently that's all he needs. he chomps into and devours pizza, and more recently as we discovered at softball last night, apples are great fun to munch on (he carried that apple around for at least 20 minutes munching on it - note to self, always have an apple on hand)

the upside to 4 teeth is we've not yet experienced the dreaded 1-year molars and associated pain, the downside, doesn't mean they aren't coming...4.5 down, 15.5 more teeth to go.

Monday, May 5, 2008

happy cinco de mayo

no, jack and i are not out celebrating with a few cold margaritas, but i did think it was time for a blog update. jack is quickly becoming daddy's little buddy. he loves to watch kevin work outside and insists on being out there to help (as best he can - which usually means trying to stick his hand in something he shouldn't).

hmmm, this one looks about right

his vocabulary is also growing (we think). dog is a definite word and we think we've heard something resembling duck, truck and shark in the past few days. he is getting to be a proficient signer though so he's able to tell us what he wants, he knows "help", "milk", and "more" - we're working on "please" now. his favorite food now is pizza by far - we've had to limit his pizza intake to once / week, otherwise he'd eat it all the time!

jack started swimming lessons a few weeks ago and loves being in the pool. his favorite part is jumping in off the side and "swimming" after the pool toys. though swimming is exhausting as he is ready for a long nap when we get home.

we're enjoying the spring weather and all it has in store.

excuse me, i'm trying to watch the game and the camera is in my way...

here's some video of jack showing of some of his dancing moves...enjoy!