Tuesday, October 9, 2007

7 months and growing fast

hey there little man - happy belated 7 month birthday! each month seems to go by faster and faster, before we know it you'll be one year old. during the past month you have mastered the fine art of sitting up - started doing it early in September but we still had to keep some pillows nearby, now we can just sit you down anywhere and you rarely topple over.

happy 7 month birthday!

You've also started to practice crawling by getting up on all fours and rocking. Unfortunately, most of your practice takes place when you are supposed to be sleeping...speaking of sleeping, you are the best nighttime sleeper (knock on wood). You go to bed at 6:45 and rarely do we hear from you until 7A the next morning - keep it up, mommy and daddy love getting the extra ZZZZZZZs. And when you do wake up you are all smiles and giggles - it's great!

here's some daytime crawling practice...you didn't get very far, but decent effort. (blogger's note - i apologize for the length of this video, haven't edited it down yet)

Over the past month you've become quite a babbling baby - one of your favorites is "dadadadada..." we now need to work on "mamamamama..." Uncle Josh, Aunt Maureen and Stanley came to visit you in September and we spent time with the Murphy's at Donna's engagement party and Megan's birthday party.

hello Stanley

Our new favorite activity is to stop off at daddy's office on the way home at night. You get so excited and start laughing and smiling when we get there. I know it makes his day (and mine too to see you so happy). You're mastering the fine are of finger foods, picking up your cheerios and puffs with ease, but don't really like to eat them yet as once they get in your mouth you usually spit them out. You are a cookie monster though! Even putting the cookie on your head, silly boy.

cookie monster!

and i know i've said it before, but your laugh is totally infectious, just check out this video to see what i mean...

I can't believe it's been more than half a year since you were born - sometimes it feels like only yesterday that you were the tiny little 7 lb 10 oz peanut we brought home all snuggly and wearing hats in the house (it was cold!) - then i look at how big your getting, your awesome personality, the time we spend "talking" and realize just how long it's been and how fast the time has gone. fortunately for me, though they are fewer and farther between, some nights after your bedtime bottle you still like to cuddle into my shoulder and fall asleep. we always spend a little extra time rocking on those very special nights.

so tiny...2 days old

soooo big! - 7 months old

happy 7 month birthday little boy.
